Diversified Energy’s air duct cleaning services can give you cleaner, fresher air in your home, and help eliminate impurities that can cause allergic reactions, breathing difficulties, infections, and disease. Other duct cleaning companies want to nickel-and-dime you with upcharges. Diversified Energy offers residential and commercial duct cleaning packages and other HVAC services at prices everyone can afford.
Our duct sealing service eliminates leaks and helps improve Indoor Air Quality. Duct leakage is so critical because however much air is leaking out from the house through duct leakage, the same exact amount of outside air has to be sucked in to correct and maintain pressure imbalances in the house.
Study after study proves that duct-work tightness/leakage is one of the most crucial aspects of determining the energy efficiency, energy costs, moisture problems, and health and safety aspects of the house. With this in mind, and based on years of recorded results, we feel that testing the duct-work is the number one priority when searching for ways to improve energy costs and comfort.