Video: Week In The Life Volume 1 – Great Spray Foam Jobs

| Diversified Energy

Spray Foam – Too Many Overcomplicate What Is A Basic 101

Spray-applied, open-cell, and closed-cell polyurethane foam does not need to be complicated. The rules are pretty simple for spray foam, like those for other more traditional insulation products such as fiberglass and cellulose. Most of us simply don’t know there are rules to follow for fiberglass and cellulose, too. These rules are called industry best practices and apply to all building techniques and processes to deliver a particular outcome properly. Different practices may apply to various materials, but they still apply nonetheless. Adhere to best practice, and spray foam is just as non-complicating as that pink stuff.

While correct spray foam practices remain consistent across the board, some homes deserve additional attention to detail. Like all living things, houses, too, have their own DNA, so to speak. Therefore, some may require a different avenue to achieve the same anticipated result. But, regardless of whether the project is new construction, a simple attic or subfloor retrofit, or a more involved gut-job historic renovation, the building science does not change. Industry best practice comes down to basic 101 instruction. Stick to the math, and spray foam accomplishes precisely what it should.

Conversely, suppose best practice is not feasible or economically achievable. In that case, the contractor must disclose this information to the client so they have the necessary data to make an informed decision. However, one thing Diversified Energy will not move forward with is putting the structure, certainly the homeowner, in a potentially compromised position. It is way too easy to determine if foam insulation in a particular application will not perform to anticipated expectations, and there is no excuse for a substandard job. Either the proper application is achievable, or it is not. With foam, there is no in-between.

Maintaining The Air And Thermal Envelope Is A Must

This new construction Old Metairie semi-conditioned attic reveals that open cell foam is installed over a portion of the ceiling floor, which is uncommon. In fact, many industry professionals frown upon any insulation on the ceiling floor of an enclosed spray-foamed attic.

The theory of no insulation on the ceiling of a spray-foamed roofline is based on the concept that proper attic dehumidification occurs in part through communication between the semi-conditioned attic space and the conditioned living space. For the attic and living space to be one as a whole. However, in this case, under this ceiling foam is a 400 square unconditioned garage. As the garage is not traditionally part of the home’s conditioned envelope, insulation is required to separate it from the house to maintain the air and thermal barrier. If the spray-foamed semi-conditioned attic space extends over any non-conditioned area (garage, porch, walkway, etc.), the ceiling must be foamed to maintain the envelope.

Proper R-Value For 2×4 And 2×6 Wall Cavities

This home builder typically builds the exterior walls with 2x6s. Framing with 2x6s is less common than the more typical 2×4 wall studs, but this decision can be made for many reasons; some can be made on necessity, some by choice. Regardless of the reason for using 2x6s, the building code is R-13 for exterior walls in our climate zone. The necessary wall insulation level of an R-13 is achieved with a 3.5′ average of open cell foam, two inches of closed cell foam, and 3.5″ fiberglass batting, among other insulation options.

One school of thought is to fill the cavity to R-19 with open-cell foam or 5.5″ fiberglass batt since there is enough space for it. Obviously, this would incur an additional cost, but the cost may be insignificant if absorbed into a mortgage payment. However, it may be effortless to default to this statement except when one may already be considering 100 other upgrades to make that “just costs another few dollars.”

Another school of thought is that in our environment, the heat gain from the exterior walls is minimal compared to that of some other heat sources of the home, such as the attic, where the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) requires a prescriptive R-38 due to a significant heat gain from above.

Whether the exterior walls are 2x4s or 2x6s, the building code remains R-13 insulation level along the lower Gulf South Climate Zone 2. What may be seen as a practical decision for one homeowner may be the opposite for the other. There is a case for multiple options.

Guide to Determining Climate Zones

Hot Attic To The Cool Pool Table Room

What was once an attic of a typical one-story Metairie Bucktown home is now the pool table room. Roof rafters are commonly 2x6s. As this roofline will be sheet-rocked to create an air-conditioned game room, between the roof rafters will be sprayed with 6″ of open cell foam and shaved flush to 5.5 inches for a complete insulation fill, achieving an R-20. The foam will extend past the constructed 2×4 knee walls on both sides down to the top plate to maintain a continuous air and thermal barrier.

In this case, the homeowner has opted to remove the existing fiberglass insulation on the ceiling floor extending past the knee walls so the above attic space will communicate with the underneath downstairs as per best practice. The knee walls will not be insulated as they will no longer be the thermal/air barrier from the living space to the hot attic. Instead, they are only a partition to separate the conditioned pool room from the semi-conditioned non-living attic space.

Industry best practices may change as the room’s useful purpose changes from a vented attic to an enclosed conditioned environment. However, whether foam is the material of choice or another insulation type is selected, there are rules to achieve the intended result correctly for both. Installing other insulation types does not exempt them from being applied correctly. Applying foam to this roofline is no more complicated than installing fiberglass batting.

Also, as this is an energy efficiency upgrade to the home, the homeowner qualifies for the $1,200 Federal Tax Credet. Click here for more information.

Got Gas in Metairie. What Are Sealed Combustion Furnaces?

Industry best practices for heating systems inside a semi-conditioned spray-foamed attic are limited to closed-combustion gas furnaces and electric strip heaters. Heat pumps, a much more efficient form of electric heating over its costly heat-strip stepchild, are commonly preferred if natural gas is unavailable in the home or installing gas lines to prepare for gas heating is infeasible. Without getting into the details of a heat pump, let’s assume it’s the wise choice with a reasonably quick return on investment if electric heating is used.

Sealed combustion gas furnaces (94 AFUE or higher) are more efficient than the standard 80 AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) furnace. If gas is the preferred form of central heating and is installed inside a spray-foamed attic, a closed combustion furnace is the best practice for health and safety purposes.

Oxygen is required for any form of gas to burn. An open combustion chamber furnace lets the burners receive their required “combustion air” from their open surroundings. A sealed combustion furnace, however, isn’t open to the house. It’s closed-off and draws air through a plastic PVC pipe that connects it to the outside. A second pipe attached to the combustion chamber sends out the exhaust. The combustion process is entirely isolated from the air in a house or attic. Hence there is no exchange of air and byproducts between the furnace and the attic as there could be with the standard open combustion 80AFUE gas system.

As this home was undergoing a major renovation, they chose to heat it with natural gas rather than electric heat. Once this decision is made, one simply follows best practices and invests in a higher efficiency closed combustion furnace. The result is an enclosed, cool, dehumidified attic to counteract the summer heat gain via the roofline with a very efficient heating system to maintain low utility bills for the winter while adhering to health and safety standards.

An R-20 Foamed Roofline Could Be The Standard, But No, Not Really

As we see with another foamed roofline in Lakeview, the rafter cavities are filled to 5.5″ open cell and encapsulated (or flash-coated) in foam. A still-all-too-common response to this practice is, “But my building inspector or contractor stated that the required R-value for the attic is R-38.” Well, yes, it could be, but no, not really. If R-38 (2021 IRC) is required, all the homes in the video must fail inspection, as with nearly 100% of other new construction homes with spray-foamed rooflines. However, there are two reasons why they do not and still result in a certificate of occupancy.

The first reason is simply due to assumption. It is assumed that 5 to 6 inches of open cell polyurethane foam to the underside of the roof decking is sufficient and standard practice. The homeowner or building inspector knows this thickness is fine. Their neighbors have the same, and it’s fine. Their neighbors’ neighbors say it’s fine. But we really don’t understand why it’s fine. The fact is that it is fine, and it will perform as an enclosed semi-conditioned attic as is intended. This “fine” assumes that all other rules – best practices – are followed. But, again, do we really know why this practice can meet the building code?

Reason two, those who indeed know why 5 to 6 inches, not 11″ R-38, meet the code and pass inspection know that certification and reporting are required before giving the home the 👍. One permitting authority may handle it differently, but the code remains the same, and when following best practices, the roofline does not require R-38 of insulation. In fact, based on the law of diminishing returns, the additional five inches of open cell foam to the roofline to achieve R-38 has such a minuscule return on investment that I would strongly suggest investing this extra cost in anything but this.

Building Code Does Not Require R-38 When Foaming The Roofline

If the overseeing code authority for your new construction states otherwise, tell them we told you to ask them to read the code. Not now, nor at any point for umpteen years passed, has building code exclusively required R-38, or R-30 up until the recent adoption of 2021 IRC, when applying foam to the roofline in the attic to pass inspection and receive a certificate of occupancy. Spray foam is not even listed as a distinguishable material in this scenario. One must simply choose the correct compliance option that suits the intended design.

Unfortunately, with as many versions of building code that have come and gone over the decades, it is only in the last handful of years that some professionals have learned that there is not only one compliance option—or that there even were options. The attic insulation R-value we commonly read in text, see online, even in educational settings, is there for simplicity but is not necessarily required when spray foaming the attic.

Too Many Overcomplicate the basic 101 of spray foam when, in truth, just like any alternative insulation, we simply must know and follow the rules. And, have a happy happy house.

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FORTIFIED From, “FORTIFIED is a voluntary construction and re-roofing program designed to strengthen homes ...
In volume 2 of A Week In The Life, we follow Diversified Energy owner, Jeff Haag, as he visits multiple client projects. As you can see in the video, every project is custom tailored for each homeowner and home.

Video: A Week In The Life Volume 2: Different Homes – Unique Solutions

In volume 2 of A Week In The Life, we follow Diversified Energy owner, Jeff Haag, as he visits multiple client projects. As you can see in the video, every project is custom tailored for each homeowner and home.
Video: A Week In The Life - Volume 1 - Great Foam Jobs

Video: Week In The Life Volume 1 – Great Spray Foam Jobs

Spray Foam – Too Many Overcomplicate What Is A Basic 101 Spray-applied, open-cell, and closed-cell ...

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Based on 333 reviews
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June Will
19:33 19 Mar 25
I’ve known the owner, Jeff, for years. He’s well versed in the industry. He’s impressive, has years of experience, and is very detail oriented. He ensures that his staff and field crew delivers the best services. Diversified Energy is one of the BEST to contact; whether you need insulation, a new HVAC install, indoor air quality services, weatherization, utility incentives, etc., this is the company for you!
22:45 17 Mar 25
Niki and Derek did excellent work and very professional and nice to speak with. They sealed up all the air leaks I had which will save me money on future power bills. I highly recommend them and you're in good hands if you get them. Great work.
Cindy Gauchet
18:50 17 Mar 25
Niki and Derrek arrived on time. Did a fantastic job. They were very thorough in checking everything from attic to every room in our house. They cleaned up after they finished the job and I had to do nothing behind them. They were very professional and I would highly recommend them. Thank you for your service
Todd Bonvillain
18:37 15 Mar 25
Mr Allen did our house today. Great job and polite young man. Call them for all your needs. Excellent service.
danielle wilson
15:11 15 Mar 25
Tron and J’rell arrived on time and was very professional! Everything was completed within a great timeframe.
Dorothy Wells
02:51 14 Mar 25
Tron and J'rell were very puncture and Friendly. They did a great/wonderful job of communicating the process. They were efficient and cleaned up prior to leaving.
Cheryl Cloudet
18:39 12 Mar 25
Tron and J'rell were just wonderful. It was amazing how efficiently they worked together. Everything was put back in the order which it was found. They started when they got here and didn't finish until the job was done. You have some excellent workers, don't let them go!
Jerome Vernell
21:16 08 Mar 25
Them boys came through and did exactly what they said they would do and educated me along the way.
Deiondra Vernell
21:11 08 Mar 25
Tron and Jerrell did a great job of communicating the process. They were efficient and cleaned up prior to leaving.
Darian Morgan
16:49 08 Mar 25
Nikki and Ricky came to my home and did sealing and insulation work to my home. They did an amazing job!!! Not only were they extremely professional but they were also very knowledgeable about their work. They spent many hours throughout the day working. Afterwards, they did an amazing job cleaning my home after I begged them to stop after all the hard work they had done. 10 out of 10 defintely would recommend!
Heaven Charles
18:50 28 Feb 25
Niki & Ricky did an amazing job! They arrived to my home on time and completely the job in a timely matter.
Jeanette Tremblay
21:53 27 Feb 25
Tron & Jrell where quick and efficent getting the work done to help my AC/Heating be more energy efficient. They testest my air exchange and sealed up all the leaks in the attic and around the furnace and under the sinks. Looking forward to getting other things done to keep the house cool in the summer and warm in the winter. I would recommend this company.
Patricia Henry
19:50 25 Feb 25
Tron and J'rell came into our home on time they were very prompt and efficient from start to finish before they left they explained just what they said they will do. They did it, they also showed us before and after pictures. Thank you for ya'll's service.
Yolanda Rogers
16:57 25 Feb 25
Tron and j’rell on time and was explaining to me each step of the way what they were doing. They were very respectful. They said 9am and was here for 9am. Thank you diversified energy
Gilberte A Bruno
20:39 21 Feb 25
Tron & J’rell are the BEST hands down. They went above and beyond to make sure everything was correct. Thank you
Anne Hasselbeck
20:32 21 Feb 25
Niki & Ricky did an awesome job. They explained everything and made sure we didn't have any questions or concerns. They were courteous and professional from start to finish.
Justin Moore
23:09 20 Feb 25
Nat and his crew were extremely professional and did an excellent job in a safe and timely manner.
Beverly Bibbins
21:57 20 Feb 25
Tron and Jerrell made it to My Home on time. They explain there before and after their work and I want to thank you all for sending them our way thanks.
Quan Le
19:19 20 Feb 25
Tron and j'rell came to my home on time and did a wonderful job thanks
Gwendolyn Burns
20:52 19 Feb 25
They did a great job! Ricky, Gavin & Allen were respectful courteous and treated me and the job with dignity!
Brett Lachmann
17:40 19 Feb 25
Nat and Ricky did a great job was fast and I should see a change in my energy and gas bill. Was very happy
Rachel Mitchem
16:18 19 Feb 25
Tron and J’rel (my two techs) were awesome. On time. Didn’t mind my puppies! My CFMs went down 205%. Can’t wait to see the change in my bill!
02:15 19 Feb 25
Diversified is a good company. The workers were on time. Tron and J'rell were very polite, professional, knowledgeable, and very patient. They explained to me step by step what they were going to do. They showed me before and after pictures. I was very pleased. They cleaned up behind after every task. Job well done.
Donna Journee
01:56 19 Feb 25
Derrick, was very professional, and respectful!!! Thank you
joy ragusa
22:20 18 Feb 25
Nicki and Ricki came to my house today to see how they could help close up leaking air . They worked for hours and explained everything. They were very professional. I appreciate the work they did.
Lyndsey Rudolph
18:54 18 Feb 25
Tron and J’rell arrived at my house early due to the fact that I had a class to leave for and were super flexible and nice about working with my schedule. They were very professional and knowledgable with my ELL home performance. My CFM reduction was 1806!! Thank you to Diversified Entergy for sending these guys!!!
Ira Dugar
18:23 17 Feb 25
Tron & J'rell, arrive on time and were professional & knowledgeable. They reduced my CFM's by 1800%. Thanks for your assistance! 👍
Carol McGovern
16:23 17 Feb 25
Appointment was today. Great service, they are friendly and experienced and professional. Brought numbers down tremendously. Look forward to lower bills. Was great job!!!
Deunca Thomas
21:20 15 Feb 25
Tron and J'Rell were very professional nice courteous, they were on time and very knowledgeable about their job it was a pleasure having them explain and make my home energy efficient.
Sharon Bodley
21:33 14 Feb 25
Thank you Diversified Energy for sending Tron and J'rell to inspect my home. They were on time, very professional and knowledgeable. They fixed the problem areas and showed before and after pictures of the areas that needed to be fixed. My home is now energy efficient and I will recommend them to my friends and family. Thank you! Sharon
Gina Brown
18:07 14 Feb 25
Gavin and Derrick came to my home today and I just loved them. They were polite, friendly, knowledgeable, and thorough. I am so glad I signed up for this service. Thank you, Gavin and Derrick for the care and respect you showed my home. 10/10
G Williams
17:28 14 Feb 25
Diversified energy thank you for sending Tron and jerrell to my home to do a ell home performance on my home they did a successful job at my home and I want to thank diversify energy for sending them our way I will truly recommend them to others
lica Jones
00:53 14 Feb 25
Thanks to Diversified Energy for sending J’Rell and Derrick to home.They came right in introduced themselves explaining everything throughout the entire process. Very professional and efficient team, thanks for making my home more energy efficient!! Great Job!! And I will absolutely be recommending my family and friends, as I have already started!
Donna Hendley
16:43 13 Feb 25
professional, polite. Tron and Jrell were good to work with. Thanks
Donna Hendley
21:31 12 Feb 25
17:12 12 Feb 25
Thank you for sending Tron and Jarrell to my home. They made my home home efficiency perfect I love the service.
Jeffrey Dean
22:24 11 Feb 25
I’m excited to have energy savings without having to pay a contractor. Atmos energy is also a good company.
Linda Boyle
18:30 11 Feb 25
Xavier and Gavin were very polite they explained everything they were going to do. Once they completed their task they shared pictures showing the work they did in my attic. It was pleasure to meet them.They did a great job.Thanks guys!!!
Richard Camille
18:19 11 Feb 25
Niki and Derrick did a good job, and they we are very nice. I give them a 100 Thank you.
Kimberly Bridges
18:11 11 Feb 25
I’m very satisfied with Diversified Entergy. Tron and J’Rell did a great job. I would definitely recommend there services.
Douglas Gaspard
21:27 10 Feb 25
I want to thank TRON and j’rell For coming to my home and did the assessment ELL home performance and they explain everything that they did. There was very professional and knowledgeable about their work. I will recommend them to other people thank you diversify energy for sending those young men thanks.
Nicole Ruffin
00:05 08 Feb 25
I want to thank diversified energy for sending Tron and j’rell To my home for ELL home performance there was on time and very knowledgeable friendly and they explain everything to me thank you diversify energy for sending your workers
Madorah Sesay
22:31 07 Feb 25
Derrick and Ricky were amazing. They called when arrived and were very professional. Respected the property and tenants so always welcome.
Sandra jones
18:07 06 Feb 25
Gavin and Ricky did an excellent job and went above and beyond to get the work done. Both gentlemen were very professional and respectful.Thank you very much Gavin and Ricky! Great job!
Helen Balser
19:19 05 Feb 25
Niki and Tron came out to my house and they did a fantastic job. They were very professional yet friendly. Answered any questions I had and explained everything once the Accessment was complete. They even finished in just under an hour. Great team! Thanks, Helen Balser
Koren Thornton
00:38 30 Jan 25
Niki and Ricky were very informative and explained everything being done. They are a great team!
Celeste Balderas
17:25 29 Jan 25
J'Rell and Tron did a great job on our efficiency assessment. They explained every step and the results of the testing before and after intervention and were so friendly. We are so glad that we used this free program to heat and cool our home more efficiently.
Delda Morgan
19:55 20 Jan 25
Niki and Derrick were amazing! Friendly and very knowledgeable and they answered every question and concern.👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Hannah Rader
18:51 14 Jan 25
Nat and Gavin were excellent, very kind and professional and did a really great job making my home energy efficient. Very personable and friendly and a joy to interact with! Efficient and timely and great communicators about when they were going to arrive. 10/10 would recommend both of them! Just really wonderful people!
michael doyle
22:17 10 Jan 25
Niki and her helper did a wonderful job. They were very professional and full of knowledge. I highly recommend this company, I really enjoyed the whole process .Great job!👍🏼
Kevin McLeod
15:36 07 Jan 25
Nat and his crew did a wonderful job on my insulation. They were very professional and informative, they arrived on time, and got the work done quickly. I'm very happy with the service that was provided.
Brooke D
21:45 19 Dec 24
Jeff was awesome! He was super responsive via email before even coming out to see my house. Then on the day he inspected my home, he spent a good bit of time walking me through my options. The best part was that he was so honest that he recomended my handyman do the work instead of his own company since insulation isn’t really what I needed. He explained exactly what should be done and even sent me a link to the product I should buy. I would 100 percent call Jeff again in the future and recommend him to my friends.
Tony Heffner
00:16 14 Dec 24
These guys rock, like seriously .probably an A.C. man would charge at least a thousand dollars for the labor, equipment and expertise Niki and Derrick employed on this job. They sealed ductwork in the attic, on the unit itself as well as did like a pressure test to see how much air was leaking from the whole system. Thank you Niki and Derrick for bringing Christmas early to our household!!
20:53 13 Dec 24
Awesome experience with Niki and Derrick! They arrived promptly and updated me every step of the way. They found several issues on my systems and were able to fix everything. Kept everything spotless. Thank yall!
Kate Puszykowski
17:29 13 Dec 24
Stacy was so helpful and patient in working with me to schedule a time for this assessment. She was quick to respond and answered all of my questions!Allen and Xavier were our technicians for this service and they couldn't have been more professional and helpful! They came in and got to work, being sure to explain the process to us the entire way through. They were able to identify several different unknown gaps and cracks and either fix it or provide feedback on the next steps to getting it taken care of.Huge thank you to Stacy, Allen and Xavier, and Atmos & Diversified Energy for providing this valuable service to homeowners. I will 100% be passing it along to anyone and everyone who might qualify for this service!
Tara Nicole Brown
18:25 05 Dec 24
Allen, Gavin, and Xavier came out this morning to perform the efficiency testing and preventive measures on our house. Their work brought our air leak ratings into the efficient zone, and they put up the best weatherstripping we e ever seen on our front door. We already have spray foam in our attic, so they were happy about that. The three men were friendly, positive, professional, and, honestly, just a delight to spend time with. Perhaps this compliment is off the mark, but we’d love to just have a beer and chill with them. Thanks for this opportunity!
Lauralyn M
22:26 02 Dec 24
We had Niki and Derrick who were both professional, efficient, and personable. They did a great job and took their time to ensure the work was done properly. Thank you both! I've already recommended the program to others who haven't heard about it yet =)
Raymond Clark, Jr.
13:59 27 Nov 24
I want to thank Natristan for his professionalism. He went above an beyond in the work that was done. I really appreciate his kindness and doing his job with his heart in it. Again thank you. Jesus loves yall and yall have a blessed day.
Liza Sherman
21:39 26 Nov 24
We could not be happier with the creative very competitive bid we got in on doing touch up work on spray foam that had gotten messed up in our attic. Jeff figured out a way to minimize cost for us by not bringing in all the equipment & he sent the nicest team of guys- Natristan, Xavier, Gavin- who knocked out a PERFECT, airtight job in just a few hours.Thank you guys for alleviating stress from our lives with a perfectly done spray foam job🙏🏼🙌🏼!
Kristi Northup
12:34 24 Nov 24
I found out about Diversified through Atmos. They came out at the time they were scheduled. They found a huge volume of leaks in our house and our duct work. Allen communicated the information, and they did the work all in the same afternoon! The difference is visible, almost a 75% reduction in duct leaks. They were courteous and professional. I recommend them highly.
22:54 19 Nov 24
Thank you for a great service. Everything was done really nice.Nat, Xavier & Gavin the best crew.
Lillian Parker
17:49 18 Nov 24
Professional service Ms.Nicki, Tron,and Derick very curious and kind. Thank you.
Drew Restivo
18:25 12 Nov 24
Niki and Tron were great! They made our house more energy efficient and did an excellent job. Very nice people too. Highly recommend!
Paula Avant
21:54 06 Nov 24
I want to thanks Nat and Gavin for the awesome job they preformed at my home. I appreciate the call I received in advance of their arrival. They were very professional, courteous and took the time to answer all my many questions. And didn't make me feel that I was being a problem for wanting to know. Thanks to the company that hire such nice people.
Rel Farrar
19:26 06 Nov 24
great job, professional, thorough and quick. also, nice people
Riley Parker
20:11 05 Nov 24
I had Diversified Energy at my house today, and they did a phenomenal job finding and sealing leaks! Highly recommend.
H Gleason
18:24 02 Nov 24
I was so impressed with the professional way Alan and Gavin presented themselves. Alan first by telephone and then personally coming to my door and explaining the procedure they would use to help me save energy. Alan immediately assessed the problems and with much work and time they repaired and tested for efficiency. These two gentlemen were very knowledgeable, showed me what exactly needed to be done, and proceeded with their particular protocol. They completed the job and showed me exactly what they had done and cleaned up like they were never here. I can only think Atmos for having diversified energy send what I consider two of the most professional knowledgeable people to address and fix my energy problems.
Candace Belaire
17:27 28 Oct 24
Niki and Tron were amazing! Very personable and professional. They took their time making sure everything was as it needed to be. Niki was literally in the wall where the air filter goes! They make a great team
Brandi Randle
16:55 28 Oct 24
Nat and the crew was wonderful guys they go far and beyond there jobs. They are very friendly they explain everything when you are unfamiliar with the assessment
17:18 27 Oct 24
Nat and his team were exceptional! They arrived punctually and demonstrated a high level of professionalism and expertise in their work. They did a fantastic job sealing my house and addressing numerous areas that required attention. I truly appreciate the excellent service you provided. Thank you!
Nike and Derrick, these people have done an excellent job on my house. very respectful and most importantly very professional, I am very grateful to them. Thank you very much for sending them, I have done a great job.
Armando Garcia
16:46 22 Oct 24
Niki and Derrick are very professional people. We are very happy with the support they gave us. They solved many problems that we had no idea were happening. I am very grateful to them and to the entire team that is organizing this for the community. Thank you very much.
Gema Aguilar
19:02 18 Oct 24
Nat and Gavin were awesome, very pleasant and very knowledgeable. We were pleased with their work. They helped us fix a lot of issues we had. We also want to thank Atmos for helping us improve our energy costs.
Yolonda Harvey
16:42 18 Oct 24
Tron & Nikki did an awesome job. They got my numbers down tremendously. They were very professional and knowledgeable. They did a wonderful job and walked me through the entire process. They answered any questions that I may have had.
Donna Morgan
21:46 09 Oct 24
Nikki, Gavin, Carlos and Francisco were very nice, extremely knowledgeable, efficient and cleaned everything up very well!!
Paulette Jones
00:47 08 Oct 24
I had my inspection done on 10/05/24 Nat and Tron did an amazing job at my house I can feel the difference now.. my Air conditioner don’t runs all day long it turns off when it gets cold and hot thanks guys .. I will recommend this company to everyone 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙏🏽
Stacy Mouton
16:51 06 Oct 24
Thank u so much Allen for coming out to my home and making sure my air flow was working properly it was a pleasure meeting u service was great
valarie ragas
02:14 04 Oct 24
Nat, Xavier and Derek with Diversified Energy came out to our home today to do a home performance inspection. These three gentlemen were absolutely the best. They were very knowledgeable very respectful and friendly and did everything with a smile. Their work was excellent, our home is energy efficient now, we can actually feel the difference, it’s a lot cooler. I highly recommend this company and these gentlemen to do your inspection.
janine mcKown
21:29 03 Oct 24
Ron and Nat came to my home and did a great inspection, sealing any areas that were “leaky” and “defective”! The house is air tight and the “before and after” measurements were amazing. We are energy efficient now!! Thanks for a great service!
Mary Palmer
00:19 02 Oct 24
Honestly, I was wondering how this assessment would go, what they would do, what we would learn from it, etc., and I was totally impressed! Tron and Nat were so professional and knowledgeable, that by the time they left I was amazed at what I learned about my own house!! And, after they finished sealing everything, and repairing things as needed, my air conditioner really seemed to work better!! It was awesome, and I’m hoping to get some insulation work done by them as well to make it even better. Highly recommended!! Thanks!
Denise Schaefer
12:44 01 Oct 24
I had Nikki, Tron and Gavin for an Energy inspection yesterday. I was AMAZED at all of the things that they tested to improve my Energy efficiency and possibly lower my energy bill. They were extremely knowledgeable and so courteous. Thanks so much for a wonderful experience.
Madeleine Becnel
19:13 27 Sep 24
The people were absolutely wonderful, a real asset to this company. Work done in a truly professional manner!!
Erin Kenning
17:51 24 Sep 24
Allen, Tron, Derrick and Gavin from Diversified Energy New Orleans came to my house today to run an inspection and make some improvements for more efficiency. They were great. Super efficient, personable and did great work - all with big smiles. I highly recommend them and their service.
daron hameen
04:56 27 Aug 24
Thank God for sending this company my way! Special shout out to Niki and Tron, they did an amazing job on my home. The took their time to check my air ducts, check for air leaks, and all filters were cleaned. I would highly recommend this company and the staff !
Brandon Cl
03:26 24 Aug 24
Shout out to Phazie and Nikki ! These two arrived on time, ready to work. They were super efficient and professional, they explained the process and how they were going to examine my homes AC system. Before they came my home was getting extremely hot, not cooling off until late in the night. They resealed my AC unit, zip tied all my vents and ductwork, also sealed the gaps on my plumbing. Now my home is staying cool throughout the entire day. These guys or life savers!
Brenda Fournette
01:56 23 Aug 24
My experience with diversity was very powerful. Tron and Nat where very knowledgeable about what they were doing and where excellent in doing the task at hand . They explained everything to me thoroughly. They also were very professional. The second part of the appointment I would very much like for TRON and Nat to complete the j2 nd phase of the job.
Eric L
02:53 03 Aug 24
Nikki and Tron did A Great Job today! Very professional, cleaned up perfectly and had A amazing attitude in extremely hot attic conditions! Highly recommend!
sophia johnson
16:57 26 Jul 24
The team came out and did an amazing job. Came bright and early, got right to work and even asked for the broom and dustpan to clean up the mess! Very polite and knowledgeable. I immediately heard the difference in my home when the AC turned out. I am too excited, thanks y'all!
Carlos Arredondo
19:49 17 Jul 24
Nikki and her amazing crew were wonderful! We wished we would have called them sooner!! We highly recommend contacting them for all of your insulation and energy efficiency needs.
Jessica Bailey
19:06 17 Jul 24
Nikki, Allie, Tron, and Phaize were the best crew!! It was a pleasure meeting them- they were extremely professional and knowledgeable with upgrading our energy efficiency of our very old, unique house. I highly recommend this company!
Tamika Carter
22:56 07 Jun 24
Late post but I'm finally getting to it but I just want to say that Niki Aguillard and her helper did a great job in securing my home. They really took their time and extra time fixing problems in and around the attic. Then they both explained to me what they were doing step by step. Thank you both so much!
Michael Powers
15:51 04 Jun 24
Couldn’t be happier with the work they did on my home. It started with a consultation, where the individual was extremely knowledgeable and professional, discussed overall energy optimization for my 1900s shotgun home and what would be the best bang for my buck given my specific home and problems. Really took a wholistic approach to energy efficiency rather than just giving 1 solution. After discussion and some quotes, we ultimately ended up with spray foam insulation in the attic and beneath the floors. I asked a lot of questions and all were answered quickly. The work was scheduled and completely relatively on time with minimal impact to my work schedule (much of it was able to be done without me being present). Upon initial inspection they were not happy with their own work (although i could not tell the difference) and redid a portion on their own dime. The commitment to quality work over getting it done quickly was something i was not used to seeing from contractors, and showed a great deal of ownership and pride in their work. Finally some minor damage was done as they completed and it was addressed quickly and at no cost to me. Overall highly recommend and the final product as exactly what i was looking for, as my home is much cooler and ready for a hot summer.
They came on time and was very professional and very knowledgeable about there job and did a outstanding job.I recommend them to everyone I know.👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽
Wonderful people and a service that was completed with immediate results in the AC's ability to cool down. Niki, Ali, and Tron were kind and explained everything they did as well as the before and after results.
Cindy Coren
21:14 22 Apr 24
Workers Niki and crew were professional and ŵorking
Mic Stylez
21:06 22 Apr 24
Niki, Allen, & Tron were such a delight to meet. They were so informative, and particular in explaining to me different questions I had to help me understand thoroughly. They did a wonderful job, and they cleaned up after themselves as well. If you’re looking for the BEST, I highly recommend that you go with Diversified Energy.
Romell Smith
17:31 16 Apr 24
They came in and did an awesome job. All smiles, made sure the work was being done effectively, explained everything and gave me a couple pointers. My CFM50 Reduction was almost 2000. A massive drop in inefficiency. They even cleaned up everything behind themselves
Missy Barard
02:09 04 Apr 24
I am highly recommending diversified energy to everyone that is looking for a dependable company with very knowledgeable, hard-working, kind responsible, neat workers that take the time and finish Your home with a fine tooth comb. The praise goes to Niki and Alli/Natristan This company couldn’t have sent me two better workers I appreciate everything that you have done. I’ve already referred you to a coworker and she’ll be looking forward to working with you all as well. Niki and Alli You all are a five star duel. Best wishes in your career. The work and the communication that you all has given, Sure makes a customers life at ease. Your Boss should give ya’ll a raise for making the company standards and values stronger . Thanks again for everything.
Anthony Almerico
20:19 21 Mar 24
Nikki and her crew did an excellent job attending to my home energy needs. From the beginning, Nikki was very communicative letting me know exactly what time the crew would arrive. They were very attentive to details, and made sure to keep me informed of everything that was going on throughout their work. They were even so kind as to let me know I had a roof leak, 😔, and notified me of it's location. They were mindful of my home and made sure not to disturb anything and even offered to help vacuum the house when they were done! They were also very aware, and kind, to my pup while going in and out the house, as he likes to dart around. Nikki made sure my gate and front door were always closed! (For those that have pets home while workers are present know how important this is.) I have had quite a few groups of people work on my home over the years and I can tell when someone cares about their work and when someone doesn't. Nikki and her team really cared, and I felt like I got to know them during the time they were working on my home. What a great job! It was a wonderful, EASY experience to work with them!
Blake Culpepper
18:50 09 Jan 24
Jeff and his team were very informative and helped me to understand the way my AC and insulation were contributing to moisture issues I was having. Through an educational approach, we addressed the most pressing issues and will re-evaluate progress over time. We added spray foam over a previous spray foam job that was inadequately done, corrected damaged duct work under my house with insulation, and replaced an oversized AC unit, all of which were contributing to excess moisture and wasted energy costs in my home.Jeff and team were also very friendly and professional, which was refreshing when I was being oversold and pressured by another company. I would certainly recommend Diversified Air to friends and family.
14:31 04 Nov 23
Diversified Energy did a great job at my home for weatherization. The crew was extremely professional and curious. I would highly recommend this company.
Gary Clements
17:05 07 Oct 23
Diversified Energy, from its owner, Jeff Haag, to its team led by Nikki, were thorough, competent, professional, hard-working and cost-effective. We had our attic ductwork sealed and then the entire attic floor insulated with blown-in cellulose fiber, covered completely by sheets of the cutting edge technology of QV Platinum PCM (Phase Change Material) [Diversified Energy is the sole provider of this technology in the metro area]. Our A/C system works less now, even with continuing heat. We recommend Diversified Energy for upgrading your home’s energy efficiency!!
Jason Riggs
11:26 05 Oct 23
Jeff Haag and Diversified Energy went above and beyond while consulting with my client about insulation and home efficiency. He is very knowledgeable and has insulated multiple homes for me, always with good results. Very responsive too.
Gena McKenzie
14:06 13 Sep 23
sandy andrepont
16:04 31 May 23
Nikki and her team did a wonderful in my home. They sprayed insulation, sealed air ducts and attic and much more. Nikki explained everything that was being done, very professional and respectful of me and my home. I highly recommend them!
Rudy Linhub
15:20 15 May 23
When only the best customer service and installation will do. They foam insulated my attic and installed an American Standard heat pump. Quick, easy and in budget. A rare business find.Thanks Jeff!
Jenna Duplechien
21:38 11 May 23
Niki Aguillard and her crew came out to my house and did a fantastic job! They texted me what time they would arrive and they were on time. They made sure every crack was sealed in my house and even put door sliders on the doors to keep the air from flowing in. They completely insulated the attic. They were very friendly and kind overall did an amazing job I’m very pleased with how they went over and beyond to ease every concern I had and I really appreciate their hard work. Would definitely recommend Diversified Energy “Plug into Comfort”
Joel Henschen
22:57 13 Mar 23
We had a great experience working with Diversified Energy. They were always willing to communicate and take care of any issue that popped up. One of the best and most honest contractors I have dealt with. I will definitely use them again in the future. Thank you!
Dolores Fryoux
21:37 28 Oct 22
Niki and Damon did a great job today!! They really answered All my questions and concerns. I am very happy with the whole process and highly recommend this company.
Avis James
18:27 13 Oct 22
Nikki and her crew sealed in the attic, around doors and around plumbing pipes. Then they returned to add insulation. Very professional. Great job.
Rebecca Whitaker
00:08 25 Sep 22
Blake came out and did an energy audit of my place of residence. He was very gracious and professional. He respected my request for him to remove his shoes and was patient enough to answer my questions. Thank you, Blake!
Darrin Clark
18:10 27 Jul 22
Niki crew came and explained the job details and performed very professional and in a timely manner and I was satisfied with the whole process and would recommend to anyone that is in need of the services they provide
Dave O
15:55 16 Oct 21
First off these are some friendly and professional people! They came in to our home and had nothing but respect and explained things in a way that was more family/friend based than technical. BIG shout out to Mike and Ryan for the amazing help and work! They tested the house and did all the checks as well as made sure we had stuff in place. They hooked us up with a great light package that should help our energy use as well as lighting needs. Everything is top notch and amazing customer service!
Summer Carter
20:31 18 Mar 19
I had such a great experience with Jack, Shamone, and Chad! They were extremely friendly and very professional! Jack explained what would take place the morning of my appointment and answered all of my questions! They were all very understanding of my very noisy three year old as well! Thank you again you guys for such a pleasurable experience!

Diversified Energy is fully insured and licensed - State Licensing Board for Contractors - License number: 885628

Diversified Energy Is A Proud Member Of The Greater New Orleans Home Builders Association
Diversified Energy Is A BPI Certified Contractor
Diversified Energy Is A Proud Member Of The Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance
Diversified Energy Is Proud To Be An Energy Star Partner