99 Cent Spray Foam Insulation Fantasy

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Spray Foam Insulation

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Every day, homeowners, renovators, and builders [commercial and residential] are searching for the best deal on spray foam insulation. When the search results come up, they find many companies advertising spray foam insulation for $0.99 per square foot. This price seems like a great deal until you get into the details and the risks.

In order for a spray foam insulation company in New Orleans, Baton Rouge, or the Gulf Coast to install spray foam insulation for $0.99 per square foot, they have to cut corners in one or more areas to make the math work – cheap labor/inexperienced installers, not installing to the contracted depth [you pay for 2 inches, but get 1.5 inches], not spraying areas that should be, or using a low-quality spray foam.

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The True Cost Of Spray Foam Insulation

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Installing spray polyurethane foam is both a science and an art. Since spray foam insulation comes as a two-part mix that is blended and applied on site, the installers must understand how to properly adjust the spray foam machine to account for temperature, humidity, and more. The spray foam installers must also be highly trained in the application process to ensure prescribed insulation depth is achieved and installed correctly for the area being sprayed. 

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Material Cost

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Every spray foam company in New Orleans, Baton Rouge, or the Gulf Coast for that matter, pays roughly the same price for their spray foam. Yes, some brands of spray foam are slightly cheaper than others, but much like buying a steak, you get what you pay for. If you want high-quality spray foam that is going to stand the test of time, then buying the best is the only choice.

What this means that the base cost per square foot for the material is going to be roughly the same, no matter which spray foam company you choose to do business with. Where the biggest value resides outside of the brand of spray foam is the quality of the installation. 

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Installation Cost

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Highly trained, experienced spray foam installers are very hard to find, and they can be expensive. Some companies are fine with throwing an inexperienced spray foam installer on the gun, so they can save a lot of money on labor costs. This approach may save some money in the short run, but it can be very costly in the long run due to improperly installed foam, uneven insulation depth, incomplete jobs, a bad mix ratio on the machine, and more. 

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Company Costs

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Maintaining a spray foam installation rig and installers is an expensive endeavor. A high-quality spray foam installation trailer/truck can cost $75,000 and up. Proper maintenance of the spray foam machine and related equipment, so it continues to run properly is also costly. Then there is the cost of proper insurance on the equipment, staff, etc.. 

You may be saying to yourself “What do I care about all these costs? I just want the lowest price on spray foam insulation.” Well, when a company does all of the above correctly, and installs your spray foam insulation properly, the first time, you will ultimately save more money in the long run. 

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Fixing A Bad Spray Foam Job Is Expensive!

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Every day the list of homeowners, renovators, and builders that have been burned by a bad 99 cent spray foam job grows. And, every day these good folks end up paying thousands of dollars more to fix the problems created by the bad spray foam job. Worse, many of the 99 cent spray foam companies will accept no responsibility for their deficient work or will make it beyond impossible to get your spray foam job fixed in a timely manner.

What is the value of your time? How much time can you afford to waste trying to get a bad spray foam job fixed? How long can you keep rescheduling other trades that need access to your home or building as you wait for your bad spray foam job to be fixed? How much are you willing to pay to have a bad $0.99 per square foot spray foam job fixed?

These are all questions you need to ask yourself BEFORE you sign a spray foam insulation contract. Other questions you should be asking are: How long has this company been spraying foam insulation? What kind of reviews do they have? Does it feel like I am being rushed into signing a contract? And, was your salesperson knowledgeable and experienced in spray foam insulation?

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Examples of Bad Spray Foam Jobs We Were Called To Fix

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Do It Right The First Time!

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There is a very simple way to make sure you don’t run into all the problems mentioned above, and that is to make sure you do your spray foam insulation correctly, right from the beginning. This is a pretty easy process – Choose the right spray foam insulation company at the very beginning.

Diversified Energy has been involved in the spray polyurethane foam market for over a decade, and has installed spray foam on thousands of houses and commercial applications around Louisiana and the Gulf South.

Diversified Energy’s spray foam sales consultants have multiple BPI certifications, and truly understand the building science involved with including spray foam insulation in your new construction or renovation project.

Diversified Energy employs the finest spray foam installation technicians in the entire Gulf South. Our installers are truly masters of their craft and take great pride in the quality of their work. Our installers know that we hold them to a higher standard than any other company in the region, and they never fail to meet or exceed the high bar we have set.

Diversified Energy operates on what we call the “lagniappe principle” when it comes to the installation depth of your spray foam insulation. Where other companies will cut corners, or install foam at less-than-contracted depths, our installers know that it is better to give our clients “a little something extra” than to cut corners or short them on installed insulation depth.

Diversified Energy also offers a wide variety of insulation options, so you are not just pigeonholed into a single insulation type. Just like there is a correct tool for every job, there is correct insulation for every application.

Diversified Energy is also the go-to spray foam insulation company when it comes to fixing other spray foam company’s mistakes and shoddy work. We fix other company’s bad spray foam jobs on dozens of homes every year.

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Examples DE Spray Foam Jobs Done Right

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Wrapping It Up

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When it comes to spray foam insulation, you can hire Diversified Energy first, and have your insulation installed correctly. Or, like so many other folks, you call us to fix the problems from one of the $0.99 per square foot spray foam insulation companies.

For more information about spray foam insulation, home energy efficiency, indoor air quality, and overall home performance,  contact us today – 504-273-7779 – [email protected].


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Diversified Energy
Based on 233 reviews
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Cindy CorenCindy Coren
21:14 22 Apr 24
Workers Niki and crew were professional and ŵorking
Mic StylezMic Stylez
21:06 22 Apr 24
Niki, Allen, & Tron were such a delight to meet. They were so informative, and particular in explaining to me different questions I had to help me... understand thoroughly. They did a wonderful job, and they cleaned up after themselves as well. If you’re looking for the BEST, I highly recommend that you go with Diversified Energy.read more
Romell SmithRomell Smith
17:31 16 Apr 24
They came in and did an awesome job. All smiles, made sure the work was being done effectively, explained everything and gave me a couple pointers.... My CFM50 Reduction was almost 2000. A massive drop in inefficiency. They even cleaned up everything behind themselvesread more
Missy BarardMissy Barard
02:09 04 Apr 24
I am highly recommending diversified energy to everyone that is looking for a dependable company with very knowledgeable, hard-working, kind... responsible, neat workers that take the time and finish Your home with a fine tooth comb. The praise goes to Niki and Alli/Natristan This company couldn’t have sent me two better workers I appreciate everything that you have done. I’ve already referred you to a coworker and she’ll be looking forward to working with you all as well. Niki and Alli You all are a five star duel. Best wishes in your career. The work and the communication that you all has given, Sure makes a customers life at ease. Your Boss should give ya’ll a raise for making the company standards and values stronger . Thanks again for everything.read more
Anthony AlmericoAnthony Almerico
20:19 21 Mar 24
Nikki and her crew did an excellent job attending to my home energy needs. From the beginning, Nikki was very communicative letting me know exactly... what time the crew would arrive. They were very attentive to details, and made sure to keep me informed of everything that was going on throughout their work. They were even so kind as to let me know I had a roof leak, 😔, and notified me of it's location. They were mindful of my home and made sure not to disturb anything and even offered to help vacuum the house when they were done! They were also very aware, and kind, to my pup while going in and out the house, as he likes to dart around. Nikki made sure my gate and front door were always closed! (For those that have pets home while workers are present know how important this is.) I have had quite a few groups of people work on my home over the years and I can tell when someone cares about their work and when someone doesn't. Nikki and her team really cared, and I felt like I got to know them during the time they were working on my home. What a great job! It was a wonderful, EASY experience to work with them!read more
Blake CulpepperBlake Culpepper
18:50 09 Jan 24
Jeff and his team were very informative and helped me to understand the way my AC and insulation were contributing to moisture issues I was having.... Through an educational approach, we addressed the most pressing issues and will re-evaluate progress over time. We added spray foam over a previous spray foam job that was inadequately done, corrected damaged duct work under my house with insulation, and replaced an oversized AC unit, all of which were contributing to excess moisture and wasted energy costs in my home.Jeff and team were also very friendly and professional, which was refreshing when I was being oversold and pressured by another company. I would certainly recommend Diversified Air to friends and family.read more
14:31 04 Nov 23
Diversified Energy did a great job at my home for weatherization. The crew was extremely professional and curious. I would highly recommend this... company.read more
Gary ClementsGary Clements
17:05 07 Oct 23
Diversified Energy, from its owner, Jeff Haag, to its team led by Nikki, were thorough, competent, professional, hard-working and cost-effective. We... had our attic ductwork sealed and then the entire attic floor insulated with blown-in cellulose fiber, covered completely by sheets of the cutting edge technology of QV Platinum PCM (Phase Change Material) [Diversified Energy is the sole provider of this technology in the metro area]. Our A/C system works less now, even with continuing heat. We recommend Diversified Energy for upgrading your home’s energy efficiency!!read more
Jason RiggsJason Riggs
11:26 05 Oct 23
Jeff Haag and Diversified Energy went above and beyond while consulting with my client about insulation and home efficiency. He is very... knowledgeable and has insulated multiple homes for me, always with good results. Very responsive too.read more
Gena McKenzieGena McKenzie
14:06 13 Sep 23
sandy andrepontsandy andrepont
16:04 31 May 23
Nikki and her team did a wonderful in my home. They sprayed insulation, sealed air ducts and attic and much more. Nikki explained everything that was... being done, very professional and respectful of me and my home. I highly recommend them!read more
Rudy LinhubRudy Linhub
15:20 15 May 23
When only the best customer service and installation will do. They foam insulated my attic and installed an American Standard heat pump. Quick, easy... and in budget. A rare business find.Thanks Jeff!read more
Jenna DuplechienJenna Duplechien
21:38 11 May 23
Niki Aguillard and her crew came out to my house and did a fantastic job! They texted me what time they would arrive and they were on time. They made... sure every crack was sealed in my house and even put door sliders on the doors to keep the air from flowing in. They completely insulated the attic. They were very friendly and kind overall did an amazing job I’m very pleased with how they went over and beyond to ease every concern I had and I really appreciate their hard work. Would definitely recommend Diversified Energy “Plug into Comfort”read more
Joel HenschenJoel Henschen
22:57 13 Mar 23
We had a great experience working with Diversified Energy. They were always willing to communicate and take care of any issue that popped up. One... of the best and most honest contractors I have dealt with. I will definitely use them again in the future. Thank you!read more
Dolores FryouxDolores Fryoux
21:37 28 Oct 22
Niki and Damon did a great job today!! They really answered All my questions and concerns. I am very happy with the whole process and highly... recommend this company.read more
Avis JamesAvis James
18:27 13 Oct 22
Nikki and her crew sealed in the attic, around doors and around plumbing pipes. Then they returned to add insulation. Very professional. Great job.
Rebecca WhitakerRebecca Whitaker
00:08 25 Sep 22
Blake came out and did an energy audit of my place of residence. He was very gracious and professional. He respected my request for him to remove his... shoes and was patient enough to answer my questions. Thank you, Blake!read more
Darrin ClarkDarrin Clark
18:10 27 Jul 22
Niki crew came and explained the job details and performed very professional and in a timely manner and I was satisfied with the whole process and... would recommend to anyone that is in need of the services they provideread more
Dave ODave O
15:55 16 Oct 21
First off these are some friendly and professional people! They came in to our home and had nothing but respect and explained things in a way that... was more family/friend based than technical. BIG shout out to Mike and Ryan for the amazing help and work! They tested the house and did all the checks as well as made sure we had stuff in place. They hooked us up with a great light package that should help our energy use as well as lighting needs. Everything is top notch and amazing customer service!read more
Summer CarterSummer Carter
20:31 18 Mar 19
I had such a great experience with Jack, Shamone, and Chad! They were extremely friendly and very professional! Jack explained what would take place... the morning of my appointment and answered all of my questions! They were all very understanding of my very noisy three year old as well! Thank you again you guys for such a pleasurable experience!read more

Diversified Energy is fully insured and licensed - State Licensing Board for Contractors - License number: 885628

Diversified Energy Is A Proud Member Of The Greater New Orleans Home Builders Association
Diversified Energy Is A BPI Certified Contractor
Diversified Energy Is A Proud Member Of The Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance
Diversified Energy Is Proud To Be An Energy Star Partner