Mid-Summer Home Energy Efficiency Checks You Can Do This Weekend

Home Energy Efficiency Checks

What are you going to do this weekend? Get out of town? Have some friends over for a BBQ or boil? Go shopping to start getting the kids ready for school? How about doing some easy home energy efficiency checks that will save you money on your cooling bills and make your home more comfortable?

What? You didn’t have any plans to do a home energy efficiency check? Well, you’re not alone, but if you can take an hour to go through your home, it will help you make a list of what you can do to start saving on your cooling bill every single month. Even better, as you improve the energy efficiency of your home, you can also improve your indoor air quality.

Check Your HVAC Equipment

Checking your HVAC equipment is like checking and changing the oil in your car, it is something that should be done regularly. This includes checking and changing your air filters and checking the overall system.

Air Filters

The first thing you can check is the filter[s] on your air conditioner[s]. In our hot, humid climate, where our air conditioners can run 24/7 for months during the summer, it is recommended to change your air filters every month. Dirty air filters make your system work harder because it can’t cycle the air properly. The harder your system works, the higher your energy bill.

The easy way to remember to change your air filters is to do it when you pay your mortgage or rent. Add a recurring reminder on your phone or tablet if you need to, or write a note and stick it to the refrigerator door.

HVAC System Check

There are basically three parts to checking your overall central HVAC system. You need to check the outside unit, the inside unit and duct-work, and your vents.

When you have leaky duct-work, it will either allow your cool, conditioned air to escape before it ever makes it out of the vent, or it will allow warm, dirty air to enter the ductwork or both. In most cases, if there are leaks in your return air duct-work, it will draw in dust and dirt that will foul your HVAC system and redistribute that dust and dirt throughout your home. If the air leakage is in your supply duct-work, then you are losing costly, conditioned cool air to unconditioned space, like your attic.

Supply Vents

The easiest place to start is walking through your home and checking all the supply vents. Is there any dust, dirt, or mold on or around the vents? Are your supply vents sweating, or covered in moisture? These are visible signs that there is air leakage/infiltration of your duct-work that should / must be addressed.

If you find that your supply vents are especially dirty, grab a screwdriver and flashlight and remove one of the supply vent covers so you can take a look inside the duct-work. If your supply vents are dirty, you can bet that your entire supply duct-work system is dirty, and possibly a breeding ground for mold growth. Dirty duct-work lowers your indoor air quality, can cause allergy flair ups, and lead to a dustier, dirtier house. Professional duct cleaning can eliminate all that dirty build up in your duct-work, and leave you with a cleaner home and improved indoor air quality.

Outside Equipment

The next item to check is your outside unit[s]. Are the enclosures clean and free of debris? When you look inside the enclosure through the top and side vents, do you see any dirt or other build-up? If you do, you can start by simply giving your outside units a good spray down with a hose to clean off all the large debris or dirt.

If your outside units are especially dirty, or it has been a long time since you have had your HVAC system checked and cleaned by a professional, you should seriously consider having a trained professional inspect and clean your HVAC system.

Inside Equipment

The last item to check on your HVAC system is your inside equipment and duct-work. Start by opening your return air vent and remove the filter. Is your return air duct air sealed all the way back to the HVAC system? Is your return air duct dirty or has any signs of mold?

In some cases, cleaning and sealing a return air duct is something that can be done by the homeowner. You would need to seal any and all cracks and seams throughout the return air duct, and ensure that the seal around the vent and air filter is tight and doesn’t allow any air to sneak in around the filter.

Your supply duct-work and inside unit are most likely located in your attic. In some cases, the inside unit will be located in a wall or service closet inside the house, but even then, the duct-work will be found in the attic most of the time.

Do Not Attempt To Open Or Make Any Adjustments To Your Inside Unit Yourself. This Is Something That Must Be Done By A Professional HVAC Technician.

When inspecting your inside unit, you want to do an overall visual inspection. Is the cabinet in good shape? Do you see any exposed wires? How is the connection/seal to the return air? Is there any standing water in the drip/condensation pan? Can you feel any air escaping from the system while it is running?

When inspecting your supply duct-work, you want to check the connections at the equipment, at any junctions or splits, and where they attach to the supply vents. When you pass your hands around the duct connections, do you feel any air escaping? At these same connections, do you feel any moisture/condensation? If you pull back the insulation on the ductwork a little bit, is the duct-work well sealed with mastic and fiber tape, or is it just held together with zip ties and silver tape?

If you find any of the issues with your inside unit – exposed wires, standing water in the drip pan, a damaged cabinet, or other issues, it is best to contact an HVAC professional immediately. If you find you have leaky duct-work connections, this is a repair that you can attempt yourself, or you can hire a professional team to test your duct-work and properly seal your duct-work.

Making sure that your system is tuned up and your duct-work properly sealed is an improvement that delivers the highest payback for the price. Properly sealing leaky duct-work can save 15% – 40%+ on your cooling and heating bill, and drastically improve the indoor air quality of your home. And, there are incentive programs offered by many of the electric utilities to help offset the costs.

Check Your Insulation

Checking your insulation is probably one of the easiest items on this list. On your own, you can’t check the insulation in your walls, but you can check the insulation in your attic, and under your raised house [if you have a raised house].

Check Your Attic Insulation

First, head up to your attic and take a look around. What kind of insulation do you currently have? The two most common insulation products found in our region are Fiberglass and Cellulose. If you have fiberglass – is it batt or blown-in? And, how many inches deep/thick is it? If you have cellulose – how long ago was your cellulose insulation installed, and is it spread evenly across your attic, and how deep is it?

If you have an older home, that hasn’t been updated, you may have limited insulation in your attic. If you have a home that was built in the last 10 years or so, and you have blown-in fiberglass or cellulose insulation installed, settling and shifting has probably occurred that can reduce the effectiveness of the insulation.

If you have 6″ or less of insulation in your attic, you are only realizing an R-19 or less insulation value. The current code calls for an R-30+ insulation value to properly insulate a home in our region. No matter what kind of insulation you currently have in your attic, there are solutions to either replace or improve and add to the insulation value. And, many of our local electric utilities offer incentives for increasing the insulation in your attic to help offset the cost.

Check The Insulation Under Your Raised House

If you have a raised home, it might be time to get a little dirty depending on how high your home is raised off of the ground. Grab a flashlight and get under your home and see if there is any insulation applied to the underside of your house. Chances are there is either no insulation or possibly fiberglass insulation that was installed years ago.

If you don’t have any insulation under your raised house, you need it. If you have old fiberglass insulation installed, it should be carefully removed, and replaced with approved insulation for raised homes.

Currently, the only insulation that is recommended for installation under a raised home in our region is closed cell spray foam insulation. Closed-cell spray polyurethane foam insulation, when properly installed, creates a seamless application that both insulates and air seals, and won’t absorb water in case of flooding.

Check Your Windows & Doors For Leaks

Checking your doors and windows for leaks is pretty straightforward. Since you probably don’t have a blower door, you will need to do this check by sight and feel. You will want to check all of your exterior doors, including the door to your attached garage [if you have one], and all of your windows.

The first check is by feel. You can pass your hand all around your windows and doors from the inside of the house to see if you can feel any warm air entering around the window or door frames. You can repeat this process from the outside to see if you can feel any cool air escaping.

The second check is by sight. Any large gaps or cracks around or in your window or door frames can often be spotted by simply inspecting them closely. A second method is to wait until night time, and with the help of another person, you can shine a flashlight all around the window and door frames. Anywhere you can see light coming through around the frames, air can too.

Other signs of air leakage around windows and doors are sprays of dust and dirt where dirty outside air is making its way in, and condensation/moisture where the air infiltration is happening.

Air sealing around your house can be done by most homeowners. Adding weather stripping and a door sweep to your exterior doors and caulking around windows will catch a lot of the major leakage. But, if you want to know exactly where all of the air leakage is coming from, and how much air leakage you have, a blower door test is the most accurate method for quantifying and detecting the origins of air leakage in your home.

Just like duct sealing and attic insulation, many of our local electric utilities offer incentive programs to offset the cost of testing, air sealing, duct sealing, and insulation.

Check Your Lighting

Gone are the days of the old fashioned incandescent lightbulb, but there are many options for high-efficiency lightbulbs that will help save on your electric bill. If you still have the old incandescent lightbulbs in your home, they can be replaced with long-life compact fluorescent or LED lightbulbs that use a fraction of the electricity of old fashioned incandescent bulbs. Plus, there are new, high-efficiency incandescent bulbs available that are many times more energy-efficient than their predecessors and last much longer as well.

Taking an inventory of your lightbulbs and replacing any old, inefficient incandescent bulbs can save on your electric bill, and make it so you don’t have to change your bulbs again for many years.

Check Your Electronics

Do you have any “vampire plugs” in your home? Vampire plugs are basically all of the plugs you use to charge your phone or tablet. These plugs are constantly drawing electricity, even when you don’t have your phone or tablet plugged in and charging.

Do you have other electronics that you only use occasionally that are constantly plugged in? Much like the vampire plugs mentioned above, many home stereos and TVs are constantly drawing power, even when not turned on.

You can cut this electricity waste by taking two possible steps. One, unplug all of these items when not in use. When you finish charging your phone or tablet, unplug the charging cord from the wall. If you have a TV or stereo that you only use occasionally, unplug it when not in use. Two, you can install plug bars, so you can cut the electricity to these items with the flip of a toggle switch on the plug bar. This way you can leave everything plugged in, but still, stop the vampire plugs from sucking up electricity when not in use.

Schedule A Diversified Energy 360 Energy Audit

We have covered a lot of items above, and many of the improvements mentioned can be done by the average homeowner. As an alternative, you can schedule a Diversified Energy 360 Energy audit, and our BPI certified technicians will come and run the diagnostic tests necessary to properly assess your home. We can also provide the insulation, air sealing, duct sealing, electric utility incentive participation [where available], and other services necessary to maximize the energy efficiency and indoor air quality of your home.

Wrapping It Up

For the health of your wallet and your family, improving the energy efficiency of your home is one of the best investments you can make. Improving the energy efficiency of your home pays you back in multiple ways. You will save on your monthly energy bill. You will enjoy improved indoor air quality. And, your HVAC system will last longer and work more efficiently with proper inspection and maintenance.

For more information about home energy efficiency, indoor air quality, and overall home performance, contact us today – 504-273-7779 – [email protected].

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Diversified Energy
Based on 254 reviews
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Donna MorganDonna Morgan
21:46 09 Oct 24
Nikki, Gavin, Carlos and Francisco were very nice, extremely knowledgeable, efficient and cleaned everything up very well!!
Paulette JonesPaulette Jones
00:47 08 Oct 24
I had my inspection done on 10/05/24 Nat and Tron did an amazing job at my house I can feel the difference now.. my Air conditioner don’t runs all day long it turns off when it gets cold and hot thanks guys .. I will recommend this company to everyone 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙏🏽
Stacy MoutonStacy Mouton
16:51 06 Oct 24
Thank u so much Allen for coming out to my home and making sure my air flow was working properly it was a pleasure meeting u service was great
valarie ragasvalarie ragas
02:14 04 Oct 24
Nat, Xavier and Derek with Diversified Energy came out to our home today to do a home performance inspection. These three gentlemen were absolutely the best. They were very knowledgeable very respectful and friendly and did everything with a smile. Their work was excellent, our home is energy efficient now, we can actually feel the difference, it’s a lot cooler. I highly recommend this company and these gentlemen to do your inspection.
janine mcKownjanine mcKown
21:29 03 Oct 24
Ron and Nat came to my home and did a great inspection, sealing any areas that were “leaky” and “defective”! The house is air tight and the “before and after” measurements were amazing. We are energy efficient now!! Thanks for a great service!
Mary PalmerMary Palmer
00:19 02 Oct 24
Honestly, I was wondering how this assessment would go, what they would do, what we would learn from it, etc., and I was totally impressed! Tron and Nat were so professional and knowledgeable, that by the time they left I was amazed at what I learned about my own house!! And, after they finished sealing everything, and repairing things as needed, my air conditioner really seemed to work better!! It was awesome, and I’m hoping to get some insulation work done by them as well to make it even better. Highly recommended!! Thanks!
Denise SchaeferDenise Schaefer
12:44 01 Oct 24
I had Nikki, Tron and Gavin for an Energy inspection yesterday. I was AMAZED at all of the things that they tested to improve my Energy efficiency and possibly lower my energy bill. They were extremely knowledgeable and so courteous. Thanks so much for a wonderful experience.
Madeleine BecnelMadeleine Becnel
19:13 27 Sep 24
The people were absolutely wonderful, a real asset to this company. Work done in a truly professional manner!!
Erin KenningErin Kenning
17:51 24 Sep 24
Allen, Tron, Derrick and Gavin from Diversified Energy New Orleans came to my house today to run an inspection and make some improvements for more efficiency. They were great. Super efficient, personable and did great work - all with big smiles. I highly recommend them and their service.
daron hameendaron hameen
04:56 27 Aug 24
Thank God for sending this company my way! Special shout out to Niki and Tron, they did an amazing job on my home. The took their time to check my air ducts, check for air leaks, and all filters were cleaned. I would highly recommend this company and the staff !
Brandon ClBrandon Cl
03:26 24 Aug 24
Shout out to Phazie and Nikki ! These two arrived on time, ready to work. They were super efficient and professional, they explained the process and how they were going to examine my homes AC system. Before they came my home was getting extremely hot, not cooling off until late in the night. They resealed my AC unit, zip tied all my vents and ductwork, also sealed the gaps on my plumbing. Now my home is staying cool throughout the entire day. These guys or life savers!
Brenda FournetteBrenda Fournette
01:56 23 Aug 24
My experience with diversity was very powerful. Tron and Nat where very knowledgeable about what they were doing and where excellent in doing the task at hand . They explained everything to me thoroughly. They also were very professional. The second part of the appointment I would very much like for TRON and Nat to complete the j2 nd phase of the job.
Eric LEric L
02:53 03 Aug 24
Nikki and Tron did A Great Job today! Very professional, cleaned up perfectly and had A amazing attitude in extremely hot attic conditions! Highly recommend!
sophia johnsonsophia johnson
16:57 26 Jul 24
The team came out and did an amazing job. Came bright and early, got right to work and even asked for the broom and dustpan to clean up the mess! Very polite and knowledgeable. I immediately heard the difference in my home when the AC turned out. I am too excited, thanks y'all!
Carlos ArredondoCarlos Arredondo
19:49 17 Jul 24
Nikki and her amazing crew were wonderful! We wished we would have called them sooner!! We highly recommend contacting them for all of your insulation and energy efficiency needs.
Jessica BaileyJessica Bailey
19:06 17 Jul 24
Nikki, Allie, Tron, and Phaize were the best crew!! It was a pleasure meeting them- they were extremely professional and knowledgeable with upgrading our energy efficiency of our very old, unique house. I highly recommend this company!
Tamika CarterTamika Carter
22:56 07 Jun 24
Late post but I'm finally getting to it but I just want to say that Niki Aguillard and her helper did a great job in securing my home. They really took their time and extra time fixing problems in and around the attic. Then they both explained to me what they were doing step by step. Thank you both so much!
Michael PowersMichael Powers
15:51 04 Jun 24
Couldn’t be happier with the work they did on my home. It started with a consultation, where the individual was extremely knowledgeable and professional, discussed overall energy optimization for my 1900s shotgun home and what would be the best bang for my buck given my specific home and problems. Really took a wholistic approach to energy efficiency rather than just giving 1 solution. After discussion and some quotes, we ultimately ended up with spray foam insulation in the attic and beneath the floors. I asked a lot of questions and all were answered quickly. The work was scheduled and completely relatively on time with minimal impact to my work schedule (much of it was able to be done without me being present). Upon initial inspection they were not happy with their own work (although i could not tell the difference) and redid a portion on their own dime. The commitment to quality work over getting it done quickly was something i was not used to seeing from contractors, and showed a great deal of ownership and pride in their work. Finally some minor damage was done as they completed and it was addressed quickly and at no cost to me. Overall highly recommend and the final product as exactly what i was looking for, as my home is much cooler and ready for a hot summer.
They came on time and was very professional and very knowledgeable about there job and did a outstanding job.I recommend them to everyone I know.👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽
Wonderful people and a service that was completed with immediate results in the AC's ability to cool down. Niki, Ali, and Tron were kind and explained everything they did as well as the before and after results.
Cindy CorenCindy Coren
21:14 22 Apr 24
Workers Niki and crew were professional and ŵorking
Mic StylezMic Stylez
21:06 22 Apr 24
Niki, Allen, & Tron were such a delight to meet. They were so informative, and particular in explaining to me different questions I had to help me understand thoroughly. They did a wonderful job, and they cleaned up after themselves as well. If you’re looking for the BEST, I highly recommend that you go with Diversified Energy.
Romell SmithRomell Smith
17:31 16 Apr 24
They came in and did an awesome job. All smiles, made sure the work was being done effectively, explained everything and gave me a couple pointers. My CFM50 Reduction was almost 2000. A massive drop in inefficiency. They even cleaned up everything behind themselves
Missy BarardMissy Barard
02:09 04 Apr 24
I am highly recommending diversified energy to everyone that is looking for a dependable company with very knowledgeable, hard-working, kind responsible, neat workers that take the time and finish Your home with a fine tooth comb. The praise goes to Niki and Alli/Natristan This company couldn’t have sent me two better workers I appreciate everything that you have done. I’ve already referred you to a coworker and she’ll be looking forward to working with you all as well. Niki and Alli You all are a five star duel. Best wishes in your career. The work and the communication that you all has given, Sure makes a customers life at ease. Your Boss should give ya’ll a raise for making the company standards and values stronger . Thanks again for everything.
Anthony AlmericoAnthony Almerico
20:19 21 Mar 24
Nikki and her crew did an excellent job attending to my home energy needs. From the beginning, Nikki was very communicative letting me know exactly what time the crew would arrive. They were very attentive to details, and made sure to keep me informed of everything that was going on throughout their work. They were even so kind as to let me know I had a roof leak, 😔, and notified me of it's location. They were mindful of my home and made sure not to disturb anything and even offered to help vacuum the house when they were done! They were also very aware, and kind, to my pup while going in and out the house, as he likes to dart around. Nikki made sure my gate and front door were always closed! (For those that have pets home while workers are present know how important this is.) I have had quite a few groups of people work on my home over the years and I can tell when someone cares about their work and when someone doesn't. Nikki and her team really cared, and I felt like I got to know them during the time they were working on my home. What a great job! It was a wonderful, EASY experience to work with them!
Blake CulpepperBlake Culpepper
18:50 09 Jan 24
Jeff and his team were very informative and helped me to understand the way my AC and insulation were contributing to moisture issues I was having. Through an educational approach, we addressed the most pressing issues and will re-evaluate progress over time. We added spray foam over a previous spray foam job that was inadequately done, corrected damaged duct work under my house with insulation, and replaced an oversized AC unit, all of which were contributing to excess moisture and wasted energy costs in my home.Jeff and team were also very friendly and professional, which was refreshing when I was being oversold and pressured by another company. I would certainly recommend Diversified Air to friends and family.
14:31 04 Nov 23
Diversified Energy did a great job at my home for weatherization. The crew was extremely professional and curious. I would highly recommend this company.
Gary ClementsGary Clements
17:05 07 Oct 23
Diversified Energy, from its owner, Jeff Haag, to its team led by Nikki, were thorough, competent, professional, hard-working and cost-effective. We had our attic ductwork sealed and then the entire attic floor insulated with blown-in cellulose fiber, covered completely by sheets of the cutting edge technology of QV Platinum PCM (Phase Change Material) [Diversified Energy is the sole provider of this technology in the metro area]. Our A/C system works less now, even with continuing heat. We recommend Diversified Energy for upgrading your home’s energy efficiency!!
Jason RiggsJason Riggs
11:26 05 Oct 23
Jeff Haag and Diversified Energy went above and beyond while consulting with my client about insulation and home efficiency. He is very knowledgeable and has insulated multiple homes for me, always with good results. Very responsive too.
Gena McKenzieGena McKenzie
14:06 13 Sep 23
sandy andrepontsandy andrepont
16:04 31 May 23
Nikki and her team did a wonderful in my home. They sprayed insulation, sealed air ducts and attic and much more. Nikki explained everything that was being done, very professional and respectful of me and my home. I highly recommend them!
Rudy LinhubRudy Linhub
15:20 15 May 23
When only the best customer service and installation will do. They foam insulated my attic and installed an American Standard heat pump. Quick, easy and in budget. A rare business find.Thanks Jeff!
Jenna DuplechienJenna Duplechien
21:38 11 May 23
Niki Aguillard and her crew came out to my house and did a fantastic job! They texted me what time they would arrive and they were on time. They made sure every crack was sealed in my house and even put door sliders on the doors to keep the air from flowing in. They completely insulated the attic. They were very friendly and kind overall did an amazing job I’m very pleased with how they went over and beyond to ease every concern I had and I really appreciate their hard work. Would definitely recommend Diversified Energy “Plug into Comfort”
Joel HenschenJoel Henschen
22:57 13 Mar 23
We had a great experience working with Diversified Energy. They were always willing to communicate and take care of any issue that popped up. One of the best and most honest contractors I have dealt with. I will definitely use them again in the future. Thank you!
Dolores FryouxDolores Fryoux
21:37 28 Oct 22
Niki and Damon did a great job today!! They really answered All my questions and concerns. I am very happy with the whole process and highly recommend this company.
Avis JamesAvis James
18:27 13 Oct 22
Nikki and her crew sealed in the attic, around doors and around plumbing pipes. Then they returned to add insulation. Very professional. Great job.
Rebecca WhitakerRebecca Whitaker
00:08 25 Sep 22
Blake came out and did an energy audit of my place of residence. He was very gracious and professional. He respected my request for him to remove his shoes and was patient enough to answer my questions. Thank you, Blake!
Darrin ClarkDarrin Clark
18:10 27 Jul 22
Niki crew came and explained the job details and performed very professional and in a timely manner and I was satisfied with the whole process and would recommend to anyone that is in need of the services they provide
Dave ODave O
15:55 16 Oct 21
First off these are some friendly and professional people! They came in to our home and had nothing but respect and explained things in a way that was more family/friend based than technical. BIG shout out to Mike and Ryan for the amazing help and work! They tested the house and did all the checks as well as made sure we had stuff in place. They hooked us up with a great light package that should help our energy use as well as lighting needs. Everything is top notch and amazing customer service!
Summer CarterSummer Carter
20:31 18 Mar 19
I had such a great experience with Jack, Shamone, and Chad! They were extremely friendly and very professional! Jack explained what would take place the morning of my appointment and answered all of my questions! They were all very understanding of my very noisy three year old as well! Thank you again you guys for such a pleasurable experience!

Diversified Energy is fully insured and licensed - State Licensing Board for Contractors - License number: 885628

Diversified Energy Is A Proud Member Of The Greater New Orleans Home Builders Association
Diversified Energy Is A BPI Certified Contractor
Diversified Energy Is A Proud Member Of The Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance
Diversified Energy Is Proud To Be An Energy Star Partner